UI, or user interface design, is all of the visual and interactive elements of your site. It’s the elegant typography, clickable buttons, harmonious images and intuitive menus that capture attention and facilitate navigation. Everything that makes your site not only attractive but also functional. As for UX, or user experience analysis, it dives deeper into the psychology and behavior of your visitors.

Thus, we are happy to present the fundamental steps, which will allow you to considerably improve the user experience on your website.

UX And UI: Two Sides of The Same User Experience

Digital product design must serve the overall user experience. The success of websites and mobile applications also relies on the quality of user interaction with graphic elements, also called “user interface”. Aiming for optimal interactivity first requires understanding the importance of the relationship between UX and UI.

User Interface (UI)

By definition, the UI corresponds to the design of the graphical interface of a website, a service, a product or an application. In other words, we are talking about buttons, texts, images, cursors, effects, animations or even transitions.

It is entrusted to a graphic designer, an infographic designer, an artistic director or even an ergonomist. The latter take on the role of UI designer and ensure they offer a user-centered design whose objective is to encourage engagement. From the choice of colors to typography, layouts and even pictograms and icons, the design of the interface includes many points of vigilance.

User Experience (UX)

Unlike the UI which is mainly based on the visual aspect, the UX (user experience) is intended to identify the needs of users in order to design an appropriate interface and information architecture. A UX designer not only prepares the ground for graphic designers, but also for web developers who will have to code the site or application afterwards. We also speak of interaction design to designate the user experience whose aim is to improve an Internet user’s journey through optimization, understanding and clarity.

The design of an interface should never surprise the user too much, at the risk of losing them and making them want to leave the site. However, if you want to surprise your audience, make sure that your strategy is well received.

Final Words

In conclusion, user interface design is based on the alliance of UX and UI, because one does not go without the other. By taking into account trends, working on the ergonomics of the interface and ensuring rigorous project management, there is no doubt that your prospects, customers or simple visitors will enjoy browsing your site and using it.