How to Select the Best Blockchain UX Designer for Web3 Project

Blockchain UX Designer for Web3 Project

Are you wondering how to hire a good blockchain UX designer? You are at the right place. I will walk you through some golden tips to choose the right blockchain UI/UX designer.

The emerging Blockchain Technology and CryptoCurrency has become a subject of the discussion in Web3 world these days. Why not? Everyone loves a slice of cake, especially when it’s hot out of the oven. Blockchain and related topics are ubiquitous, and there is no way to avoid being a part of them.

After reading this article, you’ll get some golden tips to choose the right blockchain UI/UX designer or blockchain UX design agency.

What is Blockchain?

In simple words, a blockchain belongs to Web3 design space and is a decentralized digital ledger of transactions shared over a network of computers. Transaction of information is stored in a chain of blocks which is highly secured and difficult to hack or alter.

The UX (user experience) is critical to the widespread adoption of blockchain technology. Industry experts believe that the web3 ecosystem has numerous UX issues. The use of blockchain should be simple, error-free, and safe, as well as establish the platform’s trust and reputation. Due to poor user experience (or UX), the Web 3.0 world faces numerous hurdles in its acceptance. As a result, only a professional blockchain UX designer can address the aforementioned difficulties that sectors are currently facing.

What is UX Design?

‘UX’ stands for ‘User Experience’ and a ‘design’ refers to communicating information, reducing complexities, and presenting thoughts and ideas with clarity. ‘UX Design’ is a concept that leads to better real-world products and services before consumers.

UX Design Principles:

There are some fundamental web design principles that are critical to the entire process when it comes to UX/UI design:

  1. Control over acts and errors that are irrevocable
  2. Consistency in design is important.
  3. Design for use in the real world
  4. High productivity and learnability
  5. Feedback from the system

Read full article on website design principles that you can use in 2022

Important Role of UX Design in Blockchain:

Despite being a relatively new field, UX in blockchain or web 3.0 ux design is experiencing huge advances.

Blockchain is still evolving and hard to trust – UX design helps building trust:

Due to the global growth of blockchain usage, chances are you’ll want to tack on your market by appealing to those who are just starting out. Onboarding clients is a critical part of your product’s success.

For Example – A study from Deloitte indicates that around 38.23% of new banking customers abandon the onboarding process if it is too lengthy or requires more information than they are comfortable divulging. 26.09% of those customers say the ease of enrollment and login is their most important criterion for choosing a bank. This is where UX design will play a vital role in designing Web3 products (such as blockchain, crypto, NFT market place, Ft gaming etc) for better user experience and to capture the market as well.

UX design makes easier for your users to engage with your product:

While blockchain technology is complex, your brand doesn’t have to be. It is crucial to have a well-structured and easily understood visual system. If users are able to interact with your product more easily, they are more likely to return for more. Ux design helps achieving this goal dexterously.

What is Blockchain UX Design?

A blockchain UX design (also known as Crypto Design) is the process of developing unique, simple, and user-friendly interfaces for Web3 projects like blockchain, crypto, NFTs, play-to-earn games, DeFi platforms and crypto dApps to keep the clients engaged, and a blockchain UX design agency helps to craft amazing user-friendly web3 projects.

Responsibilities and Roles as an UX designer:

A blockchain UX designer is responsible for creating distinctive, simple, and user-friendly interfaces that keep customers engaged. Candidates must have a thorough understanding of blockchain systems and designs.

Why is UX vital in Web3?

To say the least, Blockchain is a complex field to enter. It is competitive, technologically advanced, and nobody really understands where it’s going.

With that in mind, it might be tough to comprehend what customers want from a product, leaving web3 designers stumped when it comes to user experience.

It’s crucial to understand why user experience is so critical in the blockchain world.

Around 9.8 million people in the United Kingdom possessed Bitcoin in some form. That’s a 553 percent rise over the previous year. However, despite the fact that the space is rapidly expanding, we continue to strive for widespread adoption. The third piece of the equation, I believe, it will be a greater emphasis on user experience in the space.

Here is the reason why:

The back end of a site is often a factor in its credibility. According to Forbes report, 47% of users expect to load a website within two seconds. Thus, creating a trust in new Web3 space becomes crucial.

Things to Know before Hiring Blockchain UX/UI Designer

88% of consumers research product information before making an online purchase, according to the eCommerce Foundation.

In a survey conducted by Business 2 Community, 94% of respondents said that the design of a website is the top reason for distrusting or rejecting it.

In our experience as a UX design agency with extensive knowledge of UX design, we are accustomed to all aspects of a design agency and what it should provide to clients. Our goal is to help you to build a UX design for your business products and services that meets your needs.

Also Read: 28 Key Features To Accelerate Your eCommerce Growth [Infographic included]

Tips to Hire Blockchain UX Designer

Here is a list is a list of top tips to hire blockchain UX designer:

Tip 1: Go through the Portfolio
To check the quality of work, must look into the portfolio. Keep an eye on niche portfolio which belong to your business product and services.

Tip 2: Check out communication quality
Communicating with the company you are working with will allow you to determine whether it is going to perform well or not.

Communicating frequently is essential to the success of any project. Following the design start, you should always know what the hired designer is working on the previous day, today, and tomorrow.

Tip 3: Prepare the questionnaire related to project
To examine the design task understanding, you must prepare a list of detailed questionnaire. It will help you whether a design agency have full understanding and goals of your project before they start.
In case they start mocking up with you, then you should consider refusing.

Tip 4: Determine project management skills
The project management skills affect how well they can manage a project. It can be difficult to predict how the blockchain UX designers will offer findings in advance, but there are a few techniques.

You can examine how frequently they communicate and whether or not they submitted the proposal on schedule; this is the first sign of their management abilities and motivation.

Tip 5: Pay a close attention to clients’ testimonials

Always beware of the big client testimonials and low quality work. If an web3 UX design agency or web3 UX designer (also called blockchain UX UI designer) did work with big brand, it doesn’t mean they’re performing on a quality level.

If possible then get some evidence from recent client and ask around how design agency have worked. You should also see several testimonials and reviews on sites such as clutch and Linkedin for individuals (or company) ratings.

Tip 6: Check service scope

Whether you’re going to hire a UX design expert or UX UI design agency, you must check their specialization on niche, say ‘UX design’. It should be able to provide better conversion stats than a general design agency that handles web page design or branding. Always check to see whether the designer has a specific presentation on the topic of your project. This will reveal their strategic direction as well as their motivation.

It is also necessary to have inclusiveness, or the ability to cover or deal with a specified variety of subjects.

Tip 7: User research and benchmarks
Every blockchain UX designer should have extensive experience with user research, testing, and UX audit. Check these qualities before hiring.

Tip 8: Get clear on pricing for hiring a Blockchain UX Designer
When it comes to hiring someone, the most important factor is always price. Mostly UX design services is based on hourly basis if you hire dedicated blockchain UX designer.

Trends in Blockchain UX Design

The trends in blockchain design change all the time, but the basics remain the same. Design thinking, thorough user research, and quick evaluation of concepts such as low-fidelity wireframes are all important. These are vital tools that produce excellent results. Trust-building aspects are required while designing for blockchain. The key tendency is to design for the block chain’s global nature, with correct localization and device independence.

You want to share your result and the design you’re working on with as many people as possible, thus it’s critical to consider multiple languages and devices. You must create systems that are adaptable to many environments.

Also Read: Website Design Trends

Importance of a Good Blockchain UX Design Agency

Choosing the right UX design agency is critical to your company’s success since it can assist you and your organization stay ahead of the competition. Selecting the best UX design agency like Realmonkey can take some time, but it is neither impossible nor difficult. Finding a strategic UX agency partner is critical for your company’s product to attain great growth rates.

Most businesses seek professional web design services from top-rated website design agency to keep their clients engaged and prevent them from going to their competitors’ websites.

Looking for an experienced blockchain UX design agency at competitive price for your next Web3 project?

Our agency has worked with some top brands for crafting their Web3 projects.

Check out our portfolio here related to Web3 applications

If you’re looking for outstanding UX UI design and redesign service then you can contact us to discuss your Web3 project. We’d be delighted to speak with you.


It is essential to create a beautiful, responsive design for all mobile and web projects, but it is particularly challenging when it comes to blockchain. The main objective is to build trust through good UX (User Experience). The user experience of blockchain apps is highly dependent on regular feedback and trust-building features. A better user experience will encourage more consumers to make use of the technology on a daily basis.

Thus, blockchain-based applications act somehow differently than the traditional ones and this where hiring a blockchain UX designer OR a blockchain UX design agency plays a vital role for delivering better service and product experience before consumers.

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